Sep 4, 2008

Market Day

With Isaac recovered from his (possibly airplane-food induced) bout of food poisoning, we decided to explore some of the markets around Mong Kok in Kowloon. First we hit up the Goldfish Market, where we cooed over the baby turtles ("Isaac, I want a baby turtle!") and the pretty fish ("Oooh! So pretty.") .

Goldfish market, Mong Kok

Then we traipsed past the rows of phony Le Sportsac bags and mounds of real polyester panties at the tail end of the "Ladies' Market," pausing only to provoke the proprietor of a fruit stall for dillydallying in front of plums we didn't intend to buy. Next was the Flower Market, where I took lots of photos and Isaac befriended a cat. And finally, we visited the sad little songbirds in their market, but they were so sad we didn't stay long.

Flower market, Mong Kok